Eleven Mooloolaba — Convenience Store in Mooloolaba

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Eleven Mooloolaba

Convenience Store at 85 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba QLD 4557, Australia, Mooloolaba, Queensland, 4557 . Here you will find detailed information about Eleven Mooloolaba: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday
    Open 24 hours
  • Thursday
    Open 24 hours
  • Friday
    Open 24 hours
  • Saturday
    Open 24 hours
  • Sunday
    Open 24 hours


Based on 4 reviews


85 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba QLD 4557, Australia, Mooloolaba, Queensland, 4557

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About Eleven Mooloolaba

Eleven Mooloolaba is a Australian Convenience Store based in Mooloolaba, Queensland. Eleven Mooloolaba is located at 85 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba QLD 4557, Australia,

Please contact Eleven Mooloolaba using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Eleven Mooloolaba opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Eleven Mooloolaba

  • Connor
    Added 2016.06.04
    Great location for a late night stop.
  • Hayden
    Added 2015.12.08
    Worst 7/11 ever. Comparatively to most other 7/11s that I frequently visit this has to be the worst. I've been going to this store since it opened as my parents live nearby and can almost be assured ever time I walk through the door of horrible attitude from staff at best. Additionally, pricing of certain items particularly cigarettes is always more expensive that every other 7/11 store.
  • Devin
    Added 2013.12.01
    My 12 year old had a $50 note that she got for her birthday recently. She went into 7-Eleven Mooloolaba​ (85 Mooloolaba Esplanade) with her 14 year old sister and poured herself an 80c slurpee. She took it to the register and the cashier told her he had no change for her $50, so she would need buy more items. This was her birthday money, so she didn't want to spend her money on items she didn't need. My 14 year old asked if they could just leave the slurpee there as they really didn't need more items... he DEMANDED they purchase more items, so they bought a couple more $1 slurpees and he suddenly had the change for them. I feel is just WRONG and I'm sure he would not have done that to an adult. No consumer should have to purchase more products if the retail outlet cannot manage their cash float
  • Zachary
    Added 2013.11.04
    My kids returned a little upset that they were forced to spend more money than planned, so I went down to ask him about it and he denied he rejected my child's request to simply leave the product there. (the footage on the cameras in the store would show otherwise). I asked him to refund their money on the other items and he wouldn't do it, even though there was at least $9 in change handed over by other customers while we were discussing this. I know it's just a small item and a couple of dollars isn't going to kill anyone, but I hate seeing anyone being taken advantage of... especially children. Who knows how many other children are getting the same treatment by this place. Shame on you 7-Eleven​ Mooloolaba.
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